Ian Angus

Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus presents six new books for ecosocialists.

Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus recommends six books for understanding the deadliest global health crisis of our time.


Five studies, all published in the past six weeks, indicate that global heating is intensifying more rapidly than expected, writes Ian Angus, giving increased urgency to the fight for a safe climate future.

Every degree of global warming will push a billion people out of the human survival zone, writes Ian Angus.

Climate and Captialism editor Ian Angus looks at six new books for ecosocialists.

Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus takes a look at eight new books of interest to ecosocialists.

limate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus takes a look at seven new titles for an ecosocialist bookshelf. 

Environmental destruction isn’t driven by human nature or mistaken ideas. It is an inevitable consequence of a system built on capital accumulation argues Climate & Capitalism editor Ian Angus.

The red and green shelf is overflowing! Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus looks at nine important new books address topics ranging from ecosocialism and rising seas to trees, growth and global poverty.

Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus takes a look at six books that belong on the bookshelf of ecosocialists.

Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus takes a look at five new titles delving into crucial issues for ecosocialists.


On Fire: The Burning Case for a Green New Deal
By Naomi Klein
Simon & Schuster (in Canada: Knopf) 2019

Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus takes a look at five new books that belong on an ecosocialist bookshelf.