Chris Slee

Refugees have set up a protest camp outside the electorate office of Clare O'Neil to demand permanent visas. Chris Slee reports.

oil worker

The United States government has reimposed sanctions on Venezuela's oil and gas industry, to further strangle the economy in the lead up to the July 28 elections, reports Chris Slee.

Refugees have been protesting outside the office of Home Affairs minister Clare O'Neil in Oakleigh to demand permanent visas. Chris Slee reports.

Palestinian refugee Adnan Mansour told a public forum that Labor must “start seeing Palestinians as humans”. Chris Slee reports.

The Refugee Action Collective organised a vigil to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the murder of Iranian Kurdish refugee Reza Barati by guards at the Australian-run detention centre on Manus Island, writes Chris Slee.

Book cover against images of drugs

Chris Slee reviews Benjamin Fong's book, Quick Fixes: Drugs in America from Prohibition to the 21st Century Binge, which examines the history of drug use and prohibition in the United States.

A public forum discussed the High Court’s decision on indefinite detention and the racist backlash. Chris Slee reports.

Refugee rights activists again made a call for Labor to bring refugees held in offshore detention to safety. Chris Slee reports.

Police have dropped charges against eight refugee supporters who participated in a car cavalcade on April 10, 2020. Chris Slee reports.

Twenty women refugees began a march from Naarm to Ngunnawal to demand permanent visas. Chris Slee reports.

Refugees started a week-long protest to demand permanent visas outside Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil electorate office. Chris Slee reports.


Speakers denounced the United States role in the coup against the socialist government of Salvador Allende in 1973 at a rally outside the US Consulate. Chris Slee reports.