Barry Sheppard

The new stage of Palestinian resistance has caught the Israeli government by surprise. It also shocked the United States government, reports Barry Sheppard.

Despite reports of US President Joe Biden pressuring for a ceasefire, the US has thrown its full support behind Israel’s murderous war against the Palestinians, writes Barry Sheppard.

United States President Joe Biden has no proposals for the fossil fuel industries to cut their carbon emissions or a firm timetable for a switch to renewables, writes Barry Sheppard.

President Biden is attempting to shore up the US’ role as an international leader through multilateral agreements, with the expectation that Europe will fall in behind Washington, writes Barry Sheppard.

The Republican Party is rallying again around Donald Trump, in an attempt to win the elections in 2022 and 2024, by restricting the non-white (especially Black) vote, reports Barry Sheppard.

United States President Joe Biden administration regards China's economic rise as an "existential threat" to the US Empire, writes Barry Sheppard.

Enough has emerged to begin to see the outlines of United States President Joe Biden’s foreign policy in key areas, writes Barry Sheppard.

The severe Arctic blast and storms that hit the central part of the United States are another example of extreme weather due to climate change, writes Barry Sheppard.

For now, the Republican Party remains Trump’s party. A mass response is the only way to stop neo-fascist, ultra-nationalist forces, argue Malik Miah and Barry Sheppard.

Vaccinations must reach all the peoples of the world, or COVID-19 will continue to spread, with the threat of more dangerous variants emerging, writes Barry Sheppard.

Studying the lessons of the attack on the Capitol and the events leading up to it is essential to defeating the white-supremacist, far-right threat, write Malik Miah and Barry Sheppard.

United States President Donald Trump didn’t succeed in imposing a coup, but the far-right threat remains, write Malik Miah and Barry Sheppard.