Barry Sheppard

The House of Representatives impeachment inquiry into United States President Donald Trump was launched by Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on September 24 and marked a departure from her previous stance of resisting calls by the so-called “left wing” of the party to begin the impeachment process.

The exposure, by an anonymous “whistleblower”, of Trump’s attempt to force Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son Hunter for alleged corruption, caused Pelosi to make this step.

I had no idea that September 20 would be so huge. Greta Thunberg said to a reporter as she marched in New York: “I would never have predicted this.”

It was just over a year ago that Thunberg, now 16 years old, began skipping school every Friday to protest in front of the Swedish parliament, demanding action to prevent catastrophic climate change.

Trump’s EPA should be renamed the Environmental Destruction Agency for its drive to repeal these regulations and other environmental protections, writes Barry Sheppard.

The infrastructure and cruel policies to “deter” immigrants that Trump is using and expanding through edicts, were put in place by both Democrats and Republican in Congress and under both Democratic and Republican presidents, writes Barry Sheppard.

Three mass shootings in the United States in little over a week have changed the political discussion in the United States, bringing to the fore white supremacy and the terrorist mass murder it has produced, writes Barry Sheppard.

The people of Puerto Rico have risen up and forced Governor Ricardo Rosselló to resign, writes Barry Sheppard.

Recent developments in the United States have catapulted revelations of cruelty towards immigrants into the mainstream media, writes Barry Sheppard.

In his latest column, Barry Sheppard explores the history of the US Espionage Act, from World War 1 to the war on the public's right to know.

Barry Sheppard takes a look at US-Iran relations since World War 2.

While much of the media continues to focus on the Mueller report and the squabbles between the White House and the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives, US President Donald Trump’s real crimes are scarcely addressed or are ignored altogether.

This column will take up one of these crimes, Trump’s intensification of his racist war on immigrants. He is not alone on this — the ultra-right throughout Europe and elsewhere have similar anti-immigrant policies.

Washington wants Assange extradited to the US to be tried on the charge of helping Chelsea Manning hack a government computer in 2010.

The most important finding of the long Mueller investigation into United States President Donald Trump — that there was no collusion with the Russians to fix the 2016 US election so that Trump would win — came as a shock to most liberals, progressives and even many socialists.