Barry Sheppard

woman holding sign

Supporters of abortion rights in the United States are working hard and having success in overturning nefarious state bans, reports Barry Sheppard.


The defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II, and the horrors of the Holocaust, put an end to antisemitic regimes in Europe. But it did not end collaboration between Zionism and antisemitism, argues Barry Sheppard.


More than 300,000 people demonstrated against Israel’s genocidal onslaught against Gaza in the United States capital, Washington DC, and thousands more took action across the country, on November 4, reports Barry Sheppard.


Barry Sheppard reports on the deadly firestorm in Maui and how real estate developers are seeking to profiteer from the disaster.

Cluster munitions

The controversial decision by United States President Joe Biden’s administration to send cluster munitions to Ukraine has drawn widespread condemnation, report Barry Shepherd and Malik Miah.

US Supreme Court

The United States Supreme Court curtailed LGBTQ rights and struck down debt relief for students on June 30, reports Barry Sheppard.

Mountain Valley Pipeline

The "debt ceiling crisis" provided the pretext for rolling back environmental, economic and social policies, while corporations benefitted the most from the deal struck between Democrats and Republicans, reports Barry Sheppard.

US espionage

Secret United States government documents leaked onto social media platform Discord reveal how the US and its military is striving to reestablish hegemony — targeting adversaries and pressuring allies, report Malik Miah and Barry Sheppard.

LGBTIQ rights

The Republican onslaught against LGBTIQ communities in the United States is escalating, reports Barry Sheppard. So far this year, 51 anti LGBTIQ bills have passed in 18 Republican-controlled states.

comfort women

Newly released South Korean government documents reveal that the sexual exploitation of Korean women continued long after Japan’s colonial rule ended in 1945, reports Barry Sheppard.

The United States is hoping to stave off a general collapse of the currency system, writes Barry Sheppard. This threat gives the capitalist class extortion power to insist that the government bail out the big banks.

Chinese balloon

What began as an overblown diplomatic response by Washington to a Chinese surveillance balloon that drifted across the continental United States, before being shot down over the Atlantic Ocean, has morphed into a major confrontation, writes Barry Sheppard.