Alex Bainbridge

Two days after a powerful and emotional refugee rights rally outside the Kangaroo Point detention centre, police moved in to break up a protest camp on June 15, reports Alex Bainbridge.

Hundreds of people turned out for the Brisbane leg of a national day of action demanding #JusticeForRefugees, reports Alex Bainbridge.

Tens of thousands of people rallied in Brisbane on June 6 to express solidarity with the #BlackLivesMatter movement in the United States and to campaign against Black deaths in custody in Australia, reports Alex Bainbridge.

Solidarity action with refugees detained at Kangaroo Point May 29

About 150-200 people took part in an "exercise for refugees" solidarity action outside the Kangaroo Point detention facility. It was the seventh week of Friday afternoon actions and the biggest yet, reports Alex Bainbridge.

Weekly solidarity actions to support refugees detained at a Brisbane detention facility are becoming an important flashpoint in the campaign, reports Alex Bainbridge.

Alex Bainbridge spoke to Alex North of the Australian Unemployed Workers Union about unemployment, the special coronavirus rate and what's next for the campaign.

Refugee activist and medical doctor Kamala Emanuel was arrested by Queensland Police on May 15 for holding a sign. The sign read: "COVID-19: Just one more reason to free the refugees".

There is no disguising the United States' right wing push for corporate profits above human life. The ruling elite in Australia has the same priority, but it is a little more subtle, argues Alex Bainbridge.

More than 100 refugees are detained in the Kangaroo Point Central Hotel in Brisbane after being brought to Australia from Manus or Nauru for medical reasons.

Green Left's Alex Bainbridge travelled to Turkey in February, where he spoke with People's Democratic Party MP Hişyar Özsoy about repression in the country.

Alex Bainbridge spoke to Australian Greens' leader Adam Bandt about COVID-19, climate change and the party's priorities.

The coronavirus pandemic is both a threat to our health and corporate profits. As Alex Bainbridge argues, our health needs must come first, which means meeting health needs without making workers and the unemployed pay for the crisis.