Alex Bainbridge

Cairns City councillor Rob Pyne speaks to Green Left about campaigning for democratic socialism in Far North Queensland.

Cairns local councillor and former Queensland MP Rob Pyne speaks to Green Left about his time in state parliament and why he is promoting socialism today.

Alan Tudge says "foreign actors" are "straining" the country's social cohesion. Alex Bainbridge argues that if he was seriously worried, he could start by looking in the mirror.

Wangan and Jagalingou tribal warriors have re-established control of access to their Country by blocking a roadway leading to the Adani mine site, reports Alex Bainbridge.

The federal government’s response to the pandemic demonstrates how feasible it is to make dramatic changes in a short period of time, argues Alex Bainbridge.

Hundreds of refugee rights activists stared down police intimidation to protest the continued detention of refugees at the Kangaroo Point detention centre, reports Alex Bainbridge.

Green Left's Alex Bainbridge interviewed Aamer Manzoor from the Kashmiri community about solidarity with Kashmir one year after the Indian regime's brutal crackdown and suspension of formal autonomy there.

Shaming is a counter-productive way of dealing with those who flout the rules. But, as Alex Bainbridge argues, it is designed to deflect attention from the systemic failures in dealing with COVID-19.

Green Left interviews Greens councillor Jonathan Sri about the refugees imprisoned at Kangaroo Point.

Uncle Sam Watson mural

Alex Bainbridge reports that legendary Aboriginal activist Uncle Sam Watson has been memorialised in a new mural in West End's Bunyapa Park.

Rather than spending $270 billion on offensive weapons, Alex Bainbridge argues funding should go to permanently raising the JobSeeker rate.

Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network national co-convenor and Green Left journalist Federico Fuentes speaks about Venezuela's response to COVID-19.