United States

young protesters

Malik Miah argues that racism lives on in California, echoing its history as a 'free state' during slavery.

student encampments and staff picketing

Barry Sheppard and Malik Miah argue that Israel will fail in its military objectives in Gaza because of the Palestinian people’s resistance, which is buttressed by an growing anti-war movement in the United States and the condemnation of the world’s majority.

students linking arms and inset photos of interviewees

Following the violent police crackdown on Palestine solidarity encampments at Columbia and City College in the United States, Green Left’s Isaac Nellist, Jacob Andrewartha and Chloe DS spoke to three US student activists about the protests: Cyn Huang from the University of California (UC), Berkeley, Daniil Sapunkov from the City University of New York’s Hunter College and Amey from San Francisco State University (SFSU).

tents with solidarity messages

Pro-Palestinian protests have spread to more than 70 campuses large and small across the United States. Crackdowns by administrators suspending students and using police to make arrests have only spurred them on, report Barry Sheppard and Malik Miah.

unionists with signs

The Volkswagen factory in Chattanooga, Tennessee was previously the only VW facility in the world without union representation. But all that changed on April 20, when workers voted in favour of unionisation in a three-day ballot, reports Malik Miah.

Students protest for Palestine at Qld Uni

Students at more than 40 universities and colleges in the United States and around the world have lit a fire under the Palestine solidarity movement by setting up encampments on their campuses, reports Saurav Sarkar.

protest on university campus

Students are occupying university campuses in the United States to oppose Israel's genocidal war on Gaza and as repression of pro-Palestinian student and faculty voices grows, reports Barry Sheppard. Are we seeing a new wave of student radicalisation?

damage from a container ship collision with a bridge

Malik Miah looks at the "profits before safety" failings behind the collision that caused the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, Maryland to collapse, killing six maintenance workers.

woman with placard

In the United States, Arizona’s Supreme Court effectively banned all abortions, except to save a woman’s life, on April 10, after dusting off an 1864 law. But abortion rights activists are fighting back, reports Barry Sheppard.

pro-palestine woman protester

As a ground assault on Rafah still looms, United States President Joe Biden’s “get tough” stance towards Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu is not convincing populations in the US and the Middle East, report Barry Sheppard and Malik Miah.

man inspects damaged aircraft

Malik Miah looks behind the recent spate of aircraft safety incidents in the United States and argues that aircraft workers and unions need to play a leading role in maintaining safety.

Pine Gap

A formal complaint has been lodged with the Inspector General of Intelligence and Security about possible Australian complicity in what the International Court of Justice regards as “plausible claims of genocide in Gaza”. Pip Hinman reports.