
Film poster overlays photo of 2006 youth protest in Ramallah

Barry Healy reviews Mayor, a new documentary that shows the reality of life in Ramallah under Israeli ocupation.

Reading Joe Sacco is to walk, albeit briefly, in the shoes of those who suffer most from the unjust global balance of power, writes Andrew Chuter.

Mira Hamermesh was only 15 when she defied her Jewish parents in Nazi-Occupied Poland and fled for her life. That she survived is a wonder, and her dramatic account is engrossing and terrifying, writes Barry Healy.

Bernard Regan reports that Britain's peak union body adopted a motion at its annual conference, reaffirming its solidarity with the Palestinian people's struggle against Israeli apartheid.

Stuart Rees warns about governments' distain for human rights as police are deployed to harass or arrest citizens, and even parliamentarians.

For almost two weeks, Israeli military forces have bombed Gaza, terrorising its two million Palestinian inhabitants. In response, the Palestinian Boycott Divestment and Sanctions National Committee released the following statement.

The cultivation of relations between the Emiratis (and the other Gulf nations) and Israel have been disguised as the promotion of Muslim-Jewish interfaith cooperation, writes Rupen Savoulian. But this cynical ploy cannot disguise the naked and brazen economic and geopolitical interests motivating both parties.

The European Court of Human Rights struck a major blow to Israel’s efforts to silence its critics on June 11, writes Ali Abunimah, when it overturned the criminal convictions against 11 Palestinian rights activists in France.

In response to Israel’s intention to annex up to 30% of the West Bank, respect for truth by all the parties involved, Israeli, Palestinian, United States, European and Australian, has been replaced by calculations about the benefits of deceit, writes Stuart Rees.

Canadian socialist and feminist Suzanne Weiss begins her recent memoir with these words by W B Yeats: “There are no strangers here, only friends you have not yet met.” More than just an epigram, they describe a practice of solidarity that saved Weiss from the Holocaust and later shaped her more than six decades of activity as a life-long socialist, writes James Clark.

The Palestinian response to COVID-19 has been very successful but, as Mark Govier writes, they still need help.

While the coronavirus sickens more people, Palestinians simultaneously face an older enemy, writes Tamara Nassar.