
French journalist Valentin Gendrot spent two years infiltrating the French police. Barry Healy reviews his disturbing account.

Next year's French elections will take place in a context where the parties of the left and right are in grave difficulty and the COVID-19 pandemic poses new problems for capitalists and anticapitalists alike, writes John Mullen.

Covid-19 and Third World debt

Rather than provide debt relief to developing countries struggling to bring COVID-19 under control, global financial institutions are continuing to impose neoliberal structural adjustment measures, write Eric Toussaint, Emilie Paumard, Milan Rivié.

Islamophobia in France has been growing in strength for many years, but has dangerously accelerated in recent weeks, writes John Mullen.

The second round of the French local elections was bad news for President Emanuel Macron and his austerity agenda, writes John Mullen

French President Emanuel Macron hopes to show bosses and the stock market he has a plan for recovery through the next few months, without half a million people dead or mass rioting in the streets, writes John Mullen.

Liam Pierron as a troubled student in La Vie Scolaire

La Vie Scolaire sets out to show another side to Paris' famous banlieues, one that is more hopeful, but fails to develop into a memorable film, argues Barry Healy

Thousands of Kurds and their international supporters converged for a huge protest in Strasbourg, France, to demand the release of Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan, writes Peter Boyle.

The movement against Emmanuel Macron's pension reforms is entering a new phase. Lisbeth Latham takes a look at this historic movement.

The cracks in Prime Minister Emmanuel Macron's neoliberal government are beginning to show and the strikes are continuing to broaden, writes John Mullen.

On January 14–17, fresh strikes and demonstrations took place across France.

According to media reports, several French ports were blocked by a 72-hour strike by members of the Confédération Générale du Travail (CGT), as part of the ongoing mass transportation strikes over Prime Minister Emanuel Macron’s attacks on the pension system.

The CGT called a 72-hour walk-out starting from January 14 and for pickets on January 17, in what the union has called “opération ports morts” (operation dead ports).

Karl Marx’s Ecosocialism: Capital, Nature, and the Unfinished Critique of Political Economy 
By Kohei Saito
Monthly Review Press, 2017

RED-GREEN REVOLUTION: The Politics and Technology of Ecosocialism 
By Victor Wallis 
Political Animal Press, 2018