
Fred Hahn and Palestine protest background

Prominent Canadian union leader Fred Hahn has come under attack again for his steadfast support of Palestinians and his work for Palestine solidarity, reports Jeff Shantz.

Book covers

Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus presents six new books on unequal epidemics, biotech in Africa, capitalist greed, climate history, fracking and corporate crime.

protesters and police

While Canada likes to style itself as a “peacekeeping nation”, it has become one of the world’s largest global arms dealers, reports Jeff Shantz. A substantial proportion of this bloody trade is done with Israel.

protesters outside an arms fair

Police repression against student Palestine solidarity encampments in Canada has urged unionists to come forward in defence of students, campus workers and Palestine solidarity activists, reports Jeff Shantz.

list of demands

A second wave of protest encampments was launched at universities in several provinces across Canada in the week of May 4, including at the University of Calgary and the University of Alberta — where police violently attacked peaceful protesters, reports Jeff Shantz.

collage of protest pictures

Pro-Palestine activists across Canada heeded the global call on April 15 to occupy, blockade and picket economic targets across the country, reports Jeff Shantz.

Ecosocialist Bookshelf

Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus presents seven important new books on slavery, capitalism, rebellion and ecological revolution.

Protest rally in Toronto

Jeff Shantz shines a light on the Canadian 'lone soldiers' fighting in Gaza and the pro-Israeli groups recruiting for and supporting the IDF.

cop in front of protests

The notorious Community-Industry Response Group (C-IRG), a secretive tactical arm of the British Columbia (BC) Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), has been "rebranded" and deployed against the Palestine solidarity movement, reports Jeff Shantz.

illegal israeli settlements and land sales events

Touring Israeli real estate exhibitions are making stops in Canada to promote sales of land in the occupied West Bank in Palestine. Canadians are responding with protests, reports Jeff Shantz.

Photos of protests around Canada

Palestine solidarity activists blockaded major arms manufacturing companies across Canada, reinforcing growing calls for an immediate embargo on the country's arms sales to Israel, reports Jeff Shantz.

woman speaking on a radio

An abuse of process hearing has started against the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for violence inflicted on Indigenous land defenders opposing construction of the Coastal GasLink fracked gas pipeline across unceded Wet’suwet’en territory, reports Jeff Shantz.