
More than 200 people attended a Palestinian film, food and music night, organised by Mountains for Palestine and Community Care Kitchen. Jenna Condie and Aaisha Slee report.

In yet another public hand-out to fossil energy, NSW Labor has said the ageing Eraring coal-fired power station will stay open until 2027 to ensure a stable power supply. But there are other options, argue Zane Alcorn and Pip Hinman.

1500 UQ students vote to divest from apartheid Israel

Students voted overwhelmingly for the University of Queensland to cut ties with weapons manufacturers and divest from Israel at a 1500 strong meeting. Sam Morris reports.

Protesting at the Gold Coast Council

Gold Coast Mayor Tom Tate has rejected local residents’ call for the city to end ties with the Israeli coastal resort city of Netanya, reports Susan Price.

Most people are not buying the Labor government’s promise to address the severe cost-of-living crisis and they don’t think the Coalition would either. Peter Boyle reports.

The Jewish Council of Australia has renewed its call on federal Labor to pressure Israel to stop committing genocide, following Israel’s May 27 airstrike on Palestinians reduced to living in tents. Pip Hinman reports.

young people jailed

New South Wales Labor's harsh new bail laws have been widely opposed by First Nations, legal and community groups who say they will cause 'unspeakable damage', reports Pip Hinman.

unionists with signs

There were early signs of a victory for unionisation at Mercedes-Benz's Alabama factory in the United States, when more than two-thirds of the workers signed cards supporting a ballot for unionisation. But in a setback for the United Auto Workers' drive, the vote went against the union by 56% to 44%. Malik Miah looks at the reasons why.

The month-long Australian National University Gaza Solidarity Encampment decided to relocate to another part of the campus after management sent in security guards and threatened students with arrest. Kerry Smith reports.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton believes Israel’s leaders have been hard done by the International Criminal Court and suggests Australia cut ties to show its solidarity. Binoy Kampmark reports.

Calls to end the removal of Aboriginal children from their families were made at rallies around the country to mark Sorry Day and the beginning of Reconciliation Week. Alex Salmon and Pip Hinman report.

Public sector unions and Unions NSW have rejected NSW Labor’s pay offer, saying it will not help retain existing workers, or attract new ones which are desperately needed. Jim McIlroy reports.