
Blockading the offices of Mediterranean Shipping Company

Protesters blockaded the offices of Mediterranean Shipping Company as part of an international economic blockade against Israel. Alex Salmon reports.

Social worker students are struggling to complete the required 1000 hours of unpaid placement work and want the unpaid scheme ended. Cody Jensen reports.

The Jewish Council of Australia and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Australia are among many condemning efforts to weaponise the tragic stabbings at Westfield shopping Centre in Bondi. Kerry Smith reports.

Maintaining the pressure on the Albanese government, Gadigal/Sydney, April 14

There was a defiant mood at the April 14 protests, marking 27 consecutive weeks of protest against Israel's genocide in Gaza. Alex Bainbridge reports.


The Art of Banksy: Without Limits is a wild ride into the anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist artistic world of Banksy — the British creator who put progressive politics into street art internationally. Jim McIlroy reviews.

The First Wave, a new film by environment group Rising Tide, was launched by an enthusiastic crowd. Jim McIlroy reports.

Binoy Kampmark writes that caution should be exercised in response to the US President's remarks on WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's case. Nothing should be considered in earnest until signatures are inked and dried.

Refugees have been protesting outside the office of Home Affairs minister Clare O'Neil in Oakleigh to demand permanent visas. Chris Slee reports.

Sit down protest

Thousands of people joined protests on the weekend of April 7, marking six full months of Israel's intensified genocide against the people of Gaza.

Colombian Guillermo Andres Mosquera Miranda has spent his life working to help others. Now he is seeking political asylum in Australia after becoming a target for assassins. Fred Fuentes reports.

speakers for Ecosocialism 2024

First Nations leader Megan Krakouer and Indian communist Clifton D’Rozario have been confirmed to speak at the Ecosocialism 2024: Climate Action Not War being held in Boorloo/Perth over June 28–30. Fred Fuentes reports.

book cover, loaf of processed bread

Coral Wynter reviews Ultra-Processed People, by Chris van Tulleken, which looks at the industrialised chemicals and processed components that make up the ultra-processed food we buy in supermarkets.