Where we stand

July 4, 2001

Public need not corporate greed: Fund Medicare and end government funding of private schools, hospitals and health insurance

Axe the GST, tax the rich: Introduce a highly progressive tax on incomes, profits and wealth of the rich.

Jobs not profits: Shorter working week with no loss in pay; nationalise companies that threaten sackings; guarantee workers' entitlements.

Full union rights: Repeal the Workplace Relations Act and sections 45D and E of the Trade Practices Act.

For ecologically sustainable development: Money for public transport. Effective action on greenhouse. No uranium mining, no nuclear reactor, no logging old growth forests.

Fight corporate globalisation: Cancel Third World debt; replace the WTO, IMF and World Bank with global plan of reconstruction against poverty.

Freedom and democracy: For a democratic republic with representatives receiving no more than a skilled workers wage.

End discrimination: End all discrimination based on race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, age, disability and political ideology.

Justice for indigenous Australians: Repeal Howard's ten-point plan; negotiate a Treaty. compensate the Stolen Generations.

Free the refugees: Close the detention centres and open the borders, with funding for resettlement.

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