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Britain: Left unity — 'a party to dream of'

English left-wing activist and author Mike Marqusee writes: “I’m one of the thousands who signed up to the Left Unity appeal issued by Ken Loach in March to discuss the formation of a new party of the left. I did so because I believe the continued absence of an effective left alternative to the Labour Party hampers our resistance to austerity, racism, war and environmental degradation.”

Venezuela: A day with Nicolas Maduro

Very little is known about Nicolas Maduro, president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuelan. Spain's El Viejo Topo wanted to get to know him, and the Venezuelan president accepted the interview without any hassles. Spain's El Viejo Topo wanted to get to know him, and the Venezuelan president accepted the interview without any hassles. But the invitation from Maduro wasn’t limited to just an interview. Immersed in what has been baptised the "Street Government", the president has been visiting, over the last 100 days of his government, all the nooks and crannies of his country. Read the interview.

Mexico: Largest teachers' union actions in history win moral victory, struggle continues

Dan la Botz writes: "Since school began again on August 19, tens of thousands of teachers have been engaged in strikes and demonstrations throughout Mexico—including seizing public buildings, highway toll booths and border crossing stations, occupying public buildings and city plazas, and blocking foreign embassies—actions taken against the Education Reform Law and the new Professional Teaching Law and over local demands linked to wages and working conditions."

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