Visiting NZ greenly
Visiting NZ greenly
Members and supporters of New Zealand's Green party (The Greens of Aotearoa/New Zealand) is offering a home hosting service for greens visiting New Zealand.
A booklet listing green homes throughout New Zealand open to visitors is now available, for a cost of A$10.
Details about the host home (size of family, pets, diet, local attractions, host's interests, languages spoken) are given. Intending visitors can then write or ring the host and arrange a visit.
1991-92 rates for green homestays are $20 for bed and breakfast, $30 for dinner, bed and breakfast. This compares favourably with the average price of $15 per night (no meals included) for back-packer-style accommodation.
Greenstay is a fundraising venture for the New Zealand Greens — a percentage from each stay goes to party funds (which need it badly!)
For a booklet, send $10 to: Greenstay, Rex Verity, The Settlement, Waimate, South Canterbury, New Zealand. n