A statement by Thai Red Australia Group for Democracy
Four years ago on the 19th September, the Thai people were concerned about a very damaging coup which toppled an elected government and resulted in the political and economic crisis that persists to today.
This historical event was followed earlier this year, on 10th April and 19th May 2010, by two tragic massacres. The Thai military and government shot down a pro-democracy activist movement in the streets of Bangkok. Ninety-one unarmed civilians were killed, 2000 injured, and also more than a few hundred people were jailed under the executive decree law.
The Thai Red Australia Group for Democracy advocates freedom, democracy, human rights and safety of the Thai people. In order to avoid future tragic losses and to defend democracy, we demand that the Thai government:
- Free all political prisoners, unconditionally.
- Investigate and provide justice for each death and injury case.
- Take responsibility for the families of those who were killed and injured.
- Return freedom of rights to all Thai citizens by lifting the state of emergency law.
Therefore, we would like you to take strong action against this dictatorship by signing the petition at this link: http://www.gopetition.com/petition/38980.html
In Sydney, a protest action in support of these demands will be held:
1-4pm, Sunday 19th September, 2010
Outside Sydney Town Hall
For more information, email: b2wins@hotmail.com