Galilee Blockade activists showed their support for the Wangan and Jagalingou Traditional Owners on August 28 who evicted coal corporation Adani from their land in central Queensland.
The same day Annastasia Palaszczuk’s Queensland Labor government sent 50 police in 20 cars to break up the roadblock and force the Traditional Owners to remove the spirit fire.
The Sydney activists took their solidarity message to the Kent Street offices of insurance brokers AON and from there moved to the Opera House.
AON is on a global hunt for an insurance company willing to cover the risky business of insuring Adani’s coal mine in the Galillee Basin.
The Wangan and Jagalingou Traditional Owners are fighting to protect their land from desecration and the destruction of the water table. They have issued a call for solidarity photos with the #StandingOurGround and #EvictAdani hashtags.
They also want supporters to contact the Queensland Premier on (07) 3719 7000 or email her at thepremier@premiers.qld.gov.au
Solidarity messages have been sent from the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark.