“While ALP politicians are fleeing in terror from factional and media accusations about using ‘class war rhetoric’, the reality is that there is an ongoing class war that is about to be dramatically escalated if Abbott wins the September 14 elections,” says Peter Boyle.
Boyle was preselected on April 3 by the Socialist Alliance to run in the federal seat of Sydney. He is a national co-convenor of the Socialist Alliance and has been an active socialist since the early 1970s, becoming radicalised around war, race and class issues.
He has two daughters and two grandchildren.
“The class war isn’t some left-wing ideological invention,” Boyle told Green Left Weekly. “It is simply a reality. A small group of extremely wealthy and powerful people run this country and they are determined to squeeze even more sacrifices out of the majority in order to keep increasing their profits”,
“There is a class war today, but only one side is on the offensive: the rich and powerful 1% against the 99%.
“All around the world, this 1% has ripped off people and the environment, shamelessly privatising the gains and socialising the profits. They’ve launched bloody and protracted wars of terror at huge human cost, for no good reason and with no real end in sight.”
The Socialist Alliance campaign will focus on reversing the tide of the class war.
“It’s time to put people and the environment before the profits of the 1%”, said Boyle.
“At a time when Australia is in the midst of its biggest mining boom, it’s outrageous that between 2.5 and 3 million people are living in poverty. Mining companies, banks and other big corporations are making record profits and their CEOs are getting obscenely high pay packages.
“Despite the glaring evidence of dangerous climate change, neither Labor nor Liberal governments are prepared to take the serious action that is needed to address this crisis.
“Socialist Alliance calls for the mining, banking and energy sectors of the economy to be nationalised and run by the people, in the interests of the people and the environment.
“This is not a pipe dream. It has been done in other countries — for instance in Venezuela by the late socialist president Hugo Chavez.”