Skilled immigrants locked up

August 24, 2005

The following open letter, slightly abridged, was faxed by Villawood detainees to a refugee supporter on August 18. Authorities there prevented them from faxing it to the media.

We, detainees of Villawood Immigration Detention Centre, have seen the Australian community's heart and its commitment to human rights and freedom. Therefore, we sincerely believe that, reading our fear and pain in words, you will do your utmost.

We are young, educated, physically well, ordinary tradespeople and skilled in different fields — chefs, builders, lawyers and IT professionals — who fled tyrannical indigent lands. Most of us have proved our capability of living with Australian way of life which we adore.

It is a matter of fact that our detention costs tax payers millions of dollars. We are ready to work, undergo apprenticeship, contribute and abide by any visa conditions as long as we are going to be permitted to live free, while Australia is seeking 200,000 workers from abroad.

We are asking for your kind consideration, support and compassion. Please, please free us.

Yours sincerely,

[66 signatures with names and detention identity numbers.]

From Green Left Weekly, August 24, 2005.
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