Resistance pledges rallies/walkouts against Hanson

September 9, 1998

Resistance pledges rallies/walkouts against Hanson

By Sarah Peart

"Resistance high school students will call protest rallies whenever and wherever Hanson and her candidates hold election meetings", Marina Carman, a national spokesperson of Resistance's anti-racism campaign and Democratic Socialist NSW Senate candidate, announced last week.

Resistance high school activists have planned to organise walkouts to rally outside Hanson's meetings if they are scheduled during school hours.

Sydney Morning Herald journalist Margo Kingston reported that Hanson is publicising her meetings in advance because it "makes it easier to organise actions against her during the campaign ... One Nation believes that violent demonstrations against her lift her vote ..."

"Resistance rejects outright the 'ignore her and she will go away' approach of both the major parties. Neither has mounted a serious challenge to Hanson, and as a result One Nation has continued to grow", commented Carman.

"It is ridiculous to claim that protests against Hanson give her more support. People are turning to Hanson as their disgust and disillusionment with the two major parties grows. Hanson is playing on this sentiment.

"While One Nation pretends to be an alternative to the major parties, the truth is that this racist party doesn't have solutions to any of the social and economic problems of the day.

"Our protests will be peaceful. They are not aimed at seeking to close down One Nation meetings, but will be a focus for people to show their opposition to One Nation's policies."

Resistance has challenged One Nation to a debate. "In NSW One Nation is running Pauline Hanson's adviser David Oldfield for the Senate. He has ignored my calls for a debate, but continues to claim the One Nation is not racist and that Resistance's protests against One Nation are futile.

"I will attend every public meeting that Oldfield organises, demanding that he debate the issues", said Carman.

Resistance spokespeople in every state, running on Democratic Socialist tickets, have also pledged to attend every One Nation candidate meeting and insist on their right to debate One Nation.

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