Resistance member elected as editor of student magazine

October 30, 2015
Ian Escandor, re-elected to the editorial board of Cruwisble.

The Western Sydney University (WSU) Resistance club has been successful in electing one of its members onto the editorial board of the university's student magazine, Cruwsible.

WSU students had the chance to vote from October 12 to 23 for six editor positions for 2016 as part of the student elections held on campus.

Resistance members Philip Craig and myself nominated for the editor roles. While Philip unfortunately missed out by a small margin, I was voted in as the sixth editor.

The WSU Resistance club is committed to encouraging activism and involving more students in campaigns on and off campus.

Given that Cruwsible has a relatively small readership and only publishes 4 issues a year, we will be pushing for it to be produced more often.

We also want to see the magazine increase its online presence, with the aim of make it more responsive to student's concerns.

We hope to use the platform to promote campaigns including free education, fossil-fuel divestment and student wellbeing.

We want Cruwsible to become a voice for students, and not a tool for the university's board members.

[To get in touch with WSU Resistance call Ian on 0433 012 077 or visit the WSUResistance Facebook page]

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