Resistance briefs

December 9, 1998

PERTH — The Curtin University Academic Board has voted 26 to nine in favour of introducing full up-front fee-paying places in speech and hearing, occupational therapy and physiotherapy courses. If the University Council passes the proposal at its December 16 meeting, fees of up to $48,000 will be in place next year. Since the original proposal covered only speech and hearing, but was later extended, there are fears that the application of fees will expand even further in the future.

SYDNEY — David Bradbury's acclaimed documentary Jabiluka was shown to three year 10 classes at the Emmanuel School in Randwick on November 26. The screenings, organised by Resistance member Mishi Fox, provoked a range of questions and a lot of interest, and were part of preparations for the December 6 national day of action against the Jabiluka uranium mine. "Hopefully, we'll see some of them come along to the rally", Fox said.

PERTH — Resistance has kicked off a campaign against the economic attacks being made on young people by the Coalition government. An initial protest action will take place outside the city Centrelink office on Wednesday, December 9, starting at noon. The protesters will demand: "Real jobs, not work for the dole" and "Stop the Centrelink job cutbacks". The demonstration is being publicised by stalls outside Centrelink offices and around the city. So far Resistance is getting a good response from angry young people, Centrelink workers and others.

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