With the upcoming referendum on Voice to parliament, discussion about the best ways to fight for Treaty, Sovereignty and First Nations justice has been growing.
Opinion is shifting in Australia with an opinion poll in December 2021 revealing that more than half (53% of people younger than 35 don't think we should celebrate Australia Day on January 26.
The massive Invasion Day protests of tens of thousands of people across the country is another sign of the growing movement for First Nations Justice.
The influence of this movement has resulted in four states and territories beginning Treaty discussions with First Nations communities.
Hear from two long-standing First Nations activists Uncle Gary Murray and Lidia Thorpe about their views on how to advance Treaty, Sovereignty and justice for First Nations peoples and their views on the current discussion about Voice to parliament.
This event will be live streamed.
- Lidia Thorpe, Djab Wurrung Gunnai Gunditjmara woman & Independent senator
- Uncle Gary Murray, Multi-Clan descendent of Wamba Wamba, Dhudhuroa, Wiradjeri, Yorta Yorta, Baraparapa, Djab Wurrung and Wergaia Nations & Victorian Traditional Owners Land Justice Group
Moderate by
- Sue Bolton, Ballerrt Mooroop working group, Merri-bek councillor & Socialist Alliance
Entry by donation encouraged to cover the costs of hosting the event. Organised by Socialist Alliance & Green Left. For information: Jacob 0458 958 385 Sue 0413 377 978