Public Forum: 76 Years of Nakba & The False Idol of Zionism

Conferences & public forums


6:30pm to 8:30pm Tuesday 28 May


Resistance Centre
Level 5, 407 Swanston Street
Melbourne VIC 3000


Public meeting: 76 years of Nakba & the false idol of Zionism.

Tuesday 28 May, 6:30pm (dinner from 6pm)

Resistance Centre, Level 5, 407 Swanston Street, City.

Discussion with Palestinian and Anti-zionist jewish activists on the legacy of Nakba and the myths surrounding zionism and the foundation of Israel as a settler-colonial state.


Yousef Alreemawi, veteran Palestinian activist & founder of Averroes Centre of Arab Culture, The Aspire Project, Palestine Remembered on Radio 3CR, Tarab Ensemble.

Meredith Lawrence, Anti-zionist jewish activist and member of socialist alliance.

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