Protest: Northern suburbs rally for permanent ceasefire

Actions, protests & rallies


10:30am to 11:30am Saturday 02 December


Office of Peter Khalil MP
466 Sydney Road
Coburg VIC 3056


The ALP Australian government must call for a permanent ceasefire that includes the immediate lifting of the siege to allow unlimited supplies of food, water, fuel, medical supplies, construction material, electricity, and other goods into Gaza.

It isn't enough for federal politicians to express sympathy for the suffering of the Palestinians in Gaza like Peter Khalil has done publicly.

Peter Khalil and other Federal Labor MPs who claim to be sympathetic to the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza must be prepared to come out publicly to call on the federal government to support an immediate permanent ceasefire and an immediate lifting of the siege.

Initiated by the community in the northern suburbs supporting a Free Palestine.

  • The massacre must stop
  • The war crimes must stop

Contact details

Jacob 0458 958 385

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