Palestine: Public forum with Miko Peled, Noura Mansour and Samah Sabawi!

Conferences & public forums


6:00pm Thursday 14 December


445 Swanston Street
Building 80 Level 2 Room 7
Melbourne VIC 3000


Public forum with Miko Peled, Noura Mansour and Samah Sabawi!

Miko Peled grew up in Jerusalem, and is now a staunch advocate for Palestinian liberation, BDS and the creation of a single democracy with equal rights in all of historic Palestine. Come hear from him in conversation with Noura Mansour, who is a Palestinian educator, political analyst, and community organizer from Akka and the Community Organising and Advocacy Lead at APAN.

And we will hear an important update from Palestine from Dr Samah Sabawi, an award-winning playwright and author.

Accessibility info to come.

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