Heart of Country, narrated by proud Kuruma Marthudunera woman and ACF’s First Nations Lead Josie Alec, is an evocative journey across Australia that weaves together the stories and songlines of this ancient continent and the fight to protect it from damage caused by the mining, coal, gas and nuclear industries.
Join us online, from the comfort of your own home, for our first ACF community screening of this beautiful short film.
The film will be followed by a panel discussion with Josie Alec (ACF First Nations Lead), Kelly O’Shanassy (ACF Chief Executive Officer) and Liz Armitage (ACF Media Manager).
This will include time for your questions to Josie and Kelly: about protecting Country; the First Nations stories featured; the process of creating the film; how listening to First Nations people is fundamental to protecting nature in Australia; and other questions you have after viewing the film.
For a smooth and enjoyable experience, we recommend that you join from somewhere with a reliable internet connection, and join on your laptop or computer (rather than your mobile phone).
This event will have closed captions.
Register to get Zoom details - www.acf.org.au/heart-of-country-online-screening