Occupy Sydney marches, re-occupies

November 4, 2011
Occupy Sydney marches down George Street.
Occupy Sydney marches down George Street on November 5. Photo by Kate Ausburn

About 1500 people joined an Occupy Sydney rally at Town Hall on November 5, making it the largest of the three Occupy Sydney marches so far.

Members of the Maritime Union of Australia and other unions filled out the crowd.

The crowd marched to Martin Place -- where Occupy Sydney had set up a permanent camp from October 15-23 until being violently evicted by police.

Police took legal action to stop the march on November 5, but the day before an agreement was reached allow a different, shorter march route.

At Martin Place, a general assembly was held, which voted to occupy Hyde Park indefinitely. At about 6pm, police began attacking the peaceful crowd in a bid to force them out.

Activist Rachel Evans told Green Left Weekly from Hyde Park there was a huge police build up and three protesters had been taken by police. One was released.

Evans said there Occupy Sydney was discussing the situation. She said a plan to move to Victoria Park (near Sydney University) was been discussed it if became impossible to stay in Hyde Park.

Evans said there were a large number of sympathetic onlookers.

Photos by Kate Ausburn.

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