The courageous participants in the June 2010 Gaza Freedom Flotilla turned the world's attention to the plight of the Palestinian people. Yet Israel continues to defy international law, and thus the campaign to end the blockade of Gaza continues.
Responding to widespread international outrage at the attack on the freedom Flotilla, Israel announced an easing of its illegal blockade, intending to deflect criticism from its inhumane and illegal policies.
However, Israel still prohibits most building materials, medicines, food and other vital supplies from entering Gaza. No significant economic activity is possible because exports are prohibited and the movement of people is severely restricted.
To end Israel's blockade, the international Gaza Freedom Flotilla Steering Committee, representing more than 10 countries, is preparing to sail for Gaza again in May 2011.
The Australian Gaza flotilla organisation is coordinating with a Canadian contingent to jointly buy, fit-out and crew a ship. To achieve this, more than $50,000 is needed. So far nearly $30,000 dollars has been raised.
All money will go towards the purchase of a boat, fuel and equipment and vital supplies for Gaza. The 100 crewmembers will pay their own costs.
Humanitarian aid is desperately needed — and the flotilla will be carrying humanitarian aid supplies. But its main aim is to challenge the blockade, in order to open Gaza's borders and give the people greater control and dignity in their everyday lives.
The Palestine solidarity movement has called for larger flotillas to continue until the blockade of Gaza ends.
Governments have failed to hold Israel to account for its defiance of international law. Therefore we the people must step up our action through increased international solidarity.
All over the world, political organisations, religious and spiritual communities, human rights organisations, peace groups, and millions of citizens are laying the groundwork for the Palestinian and Israeli peoples to “cross the bridge” and at last co-exist in peace.
If you wish to be part of this committed grassroots global community — Jews, Christians, Muslims, atheists, men and women — sailing to Gaza, join us! Be part of the transformation, producing the best outcome for all.
You can help by endorsing the Freedom Flotilla, as a group or individual, or by donating money via cheque/moneyorder to “Palestine Relief Fund Inc - 100 For Gaza”, P.O. Box 542, Leichhardt NSW 2040; Electronic Funds Transfer – Bendigo Bank a/c: 141120758 bsb: 633108.
[For more information phone Raul Bassi 0403 047 376; Vivienne Porzsolt 0411 366 295 or email gffausgroup@gmail.com ]