Melbourne/Naarm: Fundraiser for Gaza

Arts, culture & social functions


6:30pm to 8:30pm Wednesday 29 November


Victoria Trades Hall
54 Victoria Street
Loading Bay
Carlton VIC 3053


November 29th is the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. It commemorates the UN’s adoption of resolution 181 (II), also known as the Partition Resolution.

Join Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA at Trades Hall as we show our solidarity and will raise much needed funds for the people in Gaza. All proceeds will go to our emergency appeal in support MA’AN Development Center, a partner organisation of 34 years with over two hundred staff in Gaza.

We’ll be hearing from a number of special guests including Elisabeth de Araujo, Union Aid Abroad’s legendary Timor Leste Country Manager, who will be speaking on her own experience with occupation and resistance.

Special performances by music by Anatreptix, a Melbourne based rebetika (Greek folk music) band made up of young Greek musicians, and DJs from 3CR’s Salaam Radio Show, playing new music from the Greater Middle East and beyond. Plus more to be announced.

There’ll be a silent auction of art donated by wide range of fabulous Melbourne artists such a Cameron Gill as well as photos of Gaza by former foreign correspondent Kate Shuttleworth. Prints from the Workers Art Collective and t-shirts by Hollie, which are otherwise sold out, will be for sale at a fixed price.

Food provided and drinks at bar prices. RSVPs essential. Book tickets. Entry by donation on the night.

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