Loose cannons

April 5, 2000

Except at home

"You have to face the realities of the modern world ... you can't turn back the clock to a nostalgic period that existed 30 or 40 years ago." — Prime Menzies John Howard explaining why bank mergers are necessary in the international financial market.

Nervous small fry

"When you realise that the CEOs of these (small and medium-sized) companies typically earn around $100,000 to $300,000 per annum, it's easy to comprehend their concern when the community assumes all CEOs must be in the million dollar-plus salary bracket." — Ian Dunlop from the Australian Institute of Company Directors on public perceptions of excessive corporate salary packages.


"[Before the presidential election] to organise a big noise [about the war in Chechnya] was inefficient. Now I think it is the thing to do." — Boris Nemtsov, a leader of the Russian coalition Union of Right Forces.

Their favourite kind

"[Vladimir Putin] might be best described as a KGB democrat." — New York Times editorial.

For the voters

"Like all the others, he said the oligarchs must be distanced from power ... It is impossible to achieve. But the words are right, for voters." — Boris Berezovsky, one of the richest people in Russia, on President Vladimir Putin.

Try credit?

"Every dollar these countries spend on American farm products is a dollar they cannot spend on terror and repression." — Ultra-reactionary US Senator Jesse Helms, supporting legislation to exclude food and medicine from future embargoes against US enemies.

Nimble fingers

"You will have a proactive, hands-on approach." — From a job advertisement in the Australian Financial Review seeking a tax manager for Ford.

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