Loose cannons

June 23, 1999

It's called a brain

"The Liberals are not representative of the people who vote for us, let alone the whole community. We need a mechanism whereby ideas can filter through from the grassroots to the decision makers." — Tony Chappel, new president of the NSW Young Liberals.

Thank God I'm British

"There is a natural tendency to racism all over the Balkans." — Boris Johnson of the London Telegraph, displaying his own lack of prejudice.

Marx, Lenin, Turnbull

"Republicanism is a much worse threat than ever communism was." — The Tiaro, Queensland, sub-branch of the RSL, which wants republicans banned from league membership.

Non-core promise

"The most important thing that any government can do is to build a sense of trust, a sense of integrity, a sense of honesty and a sense of commitment to the Australian people." — The current Prime Menzies, John Howard, when he launched the Coalition's 1996 election campaign.

Hit and miss

"A lot of this is hit and miss. We make some changes, we see what happens." — Research scientist Bruce Brown on the CSIRO's creation of genetically modified sheep.

Forward thinking

"We like to think of ourselves as forward thinking and a modern new party." — NSW National Party leader George Souris, announcing the party's support for harsher drug laws and opposition to equal rights for homosexuals.

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