Loose cannons

May 4, 1994

Increase, we would have thought

"He clearly was not particularly enjoying himself in the successor employment as the official greeter of this new hotel in Double Bay. I mean, it's somewhat of a diminution of status after being prime minister." — Fairfax proprietor Conrad Black on Bob Hawke when they were calling each other liars.

But he didn't mean it

"Mr Black also withdraws the statement ... concerning the term 'official greeter' and Mr Hawke having retainers with foreign companies to spy on his successor." — Part of the joint statement in which Black and Hawke agree that neither of them is a liar.


"Pots of gold have returned to the end of the rainbows for merchant and investment bankers, with executives who spin big profits being paid bonuses as high as 250 per cent of their base salaries, giving the best of them $1 million-plus incomes." — Financial Review, April 26.

Bridle that greed!

"While supporting the notion of private enterprise, Liberals have never believed in unbridled, selfish, laissez faire individualism." — Federal Liberal leadership aspirant Alexander Downer, trying to stake out territory as a "wet".

Sporting chance

"If Brazil loses [the World Cup] — God forbid — it could be good news for the Workers Party because Brazilians will feel they must have change and restore hope in the future. The Workers Party is the one that most represents change." — Brazilian historian Jose Carlos Sebbe, quoted in the Guardian.

Isn't that why we have ICAC?

"We recognise the police force is a very sponsorable organisation." — NSW assistant police commissioner Jeff Jarratt on a plan to raise $10 million by putting sponsors' logos on uniforms and police cars.

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