Lesbian/gay awareness week at UQ

April 17, 1991

Lesbian/gay awareness week at UQ

By Philippa Stanford

BRISBANE — Gays and Lesbians on Campus at the University of Queensland have organised a lesbian and gay awareness week April 15-19.

Lesbians and gay men on campus frequently experience discrimination and overt violence, and there is much homophobic graffiti covering walls of buildings.

Late last year a referendum was held over establishing a Lesgay room which would have provided a meeting and organising place for lesbians, gay men and bisexual students. This referendum was defeated.

The lesbian and gay awareness week will take a positive approach like Pride Week and provide a forum for discussing issues and the way forward for the lesbian and gay movement.

On Monday there will be an opening ceremony with a blessing by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, on Wednesday stalls and a market day, with a rally and entertainment on Thursday. On Tuesday and Friday nights social events have been organised.

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