Ken Fry: 'Be the conscience of the broad left'

May 30, 2001

Ken Fry was the Labor member for Fraser, one of Canberra's two lower house seats, from 1974-1984 and is best known as one of the leading parliamentary supporters of independence for East Timor, having visited the country shortly before its 1975 invasion by Indonesia. He sent this message to the May 24 launch of the Socialist Alliance in Canberra:

Thank you for inviting me to the launch of the alliance. I regret that I cannot attend but I fully support the alliance and all that it stands for and will become a member.

Congratulations on drawing up such a wide-ranging and inclusive platform. I hope the alliance will come to be seen as representing the social conscience of the broad left within the Australian community. We need such representation to prevent the left from becoming swamped under the onslaught of economic rationalism and globalisation.

There are two matters which I feel strongly about which you may see fit to include in your platform in the future, to extend your impact beyond Australian shores:

1. The Australian government should accept responsibility to see that the East Timorese are treated fairly in the exploitation of the gas and oil resources of the Timor Sea.

2. The Pine Gap surveillance base should always be seen as a threat to our sovereignty which has the potential to involve us as unwilling partners in the US missile defence program, a new worldwide arms race, in conflict with China over Taiwan, and ultimately in Australia becoming a nuclear target.

Thanks again and best wishes for a successful launch and a fruitful input in local and national elections this year, when contributions from voters outside the major parties could be very significant.


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