Intro to XR

Campaign planning & activities
Boorloo/Perth & Walyalup/Fremantle


11:30am Saturday 09 September


8/100 Hay St
Subiaco WA 6008


Come and learn what XR is all about and how to become a part of Extinction Rebellion Western Australia. We will provide a comprehensive overview of all things XR:

  • Our principles and values
  • Our vision of change
  • Why we use NVDA (Non violent direct action)
  • How we organise
  • Your role within the movement

Morning tea provided. BYO food and drink if concerned about allergies. Tea and coffee available. Upon arrival if the front gate is not open then there will be a buzzer to call some from the office to let you in.

RSVP here. We look forward to seeing you there and we welcome you to become a part of our global mass movement for change.

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You can also call 1800 634 206 to make a donation or to become a supporter. Thank you.