Help fight racism: help get

July 22, 1998


Help fight racism: help get Green Left around

In these days of postmodernism, post-structuralism and post-"political correctness", Green Left stands out as an invaluable resource for the growing number of people who know they're being lied to by the powers that be.

Week after week, Green Left Weekly provides a straightforward account of the developments shaping our lives: Howard and Hanson's racist agenda, environmental vandalism, the people's power movements in our region and the world, and much more. Green Left also provides progressive activists with a national and international voice with which to link-up, discuss and intervene in these developments.

What a striking contrast between Green Left's campaigning coverage against the racist offensive and the Murdoch-Packer-controlled media's defence of the racism of Hanson and her ilk! Hardly a day goes by without the establishment media benevolently broadcasting what Hanson has to say, while those protesting against her racism are criticised as "violent", "hostile to free speech" or "manipulated".

Green Left Weekly will continue its vigorous anti-racist campaign, countering Hanson's lies and the racist policies of the Howard government. Since its inception seven years ago, the paper has proudly taken sides and championed the rights of Aborigines, migrants and refugees.

By printing the news and ideas of those who believe that the system can and must be changed for the better, Green Left plays an crucial role in challenging the status quo.

Next week, Green Left supporters will launch a two-week drive to extend the paper' readership and support base. We are appealing for your help.

The two-week blitz aims to increase the number of Green Left subscribers by 275 and increase weekly sales by 1000.

You can help the paper that helps the campaigns by finding new outlets (such as bookshops, wholefood shops, cafes and the like), selling subscriptions (during these two weeks a special discount will be offered for longer-term subscriptions), or by helping to get the paper to those who haven't seen it before. Please get in touch with your local Green Left outlet (addresses and phone numbers on this page) to offer your assistance.

You need Green Left, and we need you!

Green Left is funded by contributions from readers and supporters. Help us reach our funding target.

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Become a supporter to get the digital edition for $5 per month or the print edition for $10 per month. One-time payment options are available.

You can also call 1800 634 206 to make a donation or to become a supporter. Thank you.