Green, left and internationalist

March 30, 1994

During the Easter long weekend, a major international political event is occurring in Sydney. The International Green Left Conference will bring together activists from around the world to discuss strategies for social change.

Green Left Weekly will be covering all major sessions of the conference and will provide a host of reports in the coming issues. Green Left will print the highlights of major reports given to the conference, including talks by Susan George, European parliamentarian Luciana Castellina, and Sinn Fein councillor Barry McElduff, to name but a few.

Green Left will also be celebrating the conference with a special subscription offer. All those who register at the conference will be able to take out a one-year subscription at a 30% discount. A full year's subscription to Australia's leading alternative newspaper will be offered to all conference participants for only $40.

There could be no better way to mark the conference than with a subscription. Over time the paper will provide a record of the major talks, and update ongoing struggles from all over the world.

Those unable to make it to Sydney for the conference can still participate. Green Left's introductory subscription offer of 10 issues for $10 applies all year round. Everyone can share in the wealth of information and discussion generated by the conference, just by using the clip-off in this issue.

Green Left is committed to providing the most up-to-date information on all progressive struggles, wherever they occur. You can participate: subscribe today. Green Left Weekly — it's your paper.

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