Happy New Year and thank you to all our supporters. You helped us raise $203,200 for our 2011 Fighting Fund. This is a great effort, even though we made only 81% of our target of $250,000.
The big upsurge in political activity — spurred on by the “Arab Spring” revolts and the Occupy and Indignado movements — probably meant that less activist time was available for fundraising. But it also made the Green Left project even more significant.
We were able to play an important role reporting on these developments and linking up activists from around the world — thus playing our part in strengthening the movements for real change.
We thank all our supporters for every contribution made. You helped make a difference in a world crying out for justice and a shift to ecologically sustainable ways of living.
The enemies of change are fighting back, waging imperial wars around the world (and plotting even more).
To justify these wars, and the inhumanity with which they treat the millions of refugees these wars create, the agents of the rich and powerful are shamelessly fostering more racism.
The outrageous outburst by Liberal MP Teresa Gambaro, who said new immigrants need classes on wearing deodorant and waiting in queues, is just one example.
Green Left Weekly will launch its 2012 Fighting Fund on January 21 at a dinner with music, speeches and performances. It will take place from 7pm at the Art Resistance hut in the Addison Road Community Centre in Sydney. If you are in Sydney and can come along, please make a booking on 02 8070 9331.
At this launch, some of our regular supporters will pledge to contribute to the 2012 Fighting Fund by making payments over this year. This gives us a strong start to our 2012 fundraising effort.
You can pledge to support GLW in this way by emailing to accounts@greenleft.org.au or contacting us on our toll-free line (see below).
You can also donate online today here. Direct deposits can be made to Greenleft, Commonwealth Bank, BSB 062-006, Account No. 00901992. Otherwise, you can send a cheque or money order to PO Box 515, Broadway NSW 2007 or donate on the toll-free line 1800 634 206 (within Australia).