Generations of Resistance celebrated

April 27, 2005

Bill Mason, Brisbane

Representatives of the old and new generations of Resistance members combined to celebrate the Brisbane launch on April 16 of a new book on the history of Australia's longest existing socialist youth organisation — Resistance: A History of the Democratic Socialist Party and Resistance, by John Percy.

Jim McIlroy, a veteran of the early days of Resistance in Melbourne, outlined the book's description of the early years of Resistance, from its origins in the anti-Vietnam War movement in Sydney to the foundation of the party organisation which became the Democratic Socialist Party (now part of the Socialist Alliance) in the early 1970s.

Dave Riley, a member of Resistance in the early 1970s in Melbourne, explained that "the lessons of that period are relevant to the Socialist Alliance in the present day. Ultimately, the problem of socialist politics is the problem of party politics.

"John Percy outlines how the people who became involved, enriched the process with their enthusiasm and commitment. That commitment is required just as much for the movement today."

From Green Left Weekly, April 27, 2005.
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