Eating in solidarity

September 21, 1994

Adelaide's annual Green Left Weekly dinner dance was held on the evening of Saturday, September 17. The theme of the evening was "Freedom and Justice in the Asia Pacific". Around 180 supporters of Green Left attended and were treated to a sumptuous three course meal and a range of speakers and entertainment.

Sonny Melencio from Makabayan, the new socialist mass organisation in the Philippines, spoke on developments there and the need for international solidarity. Bob Hanney from Campaign for Independent East Timor spoke on solidarity with the people of Timor and the destructive role being played by the Australian government. Supporters of the paper who attended were also entertained with a street theatre performance by activists from the Indonesia solidarity organisation Aksi.

According to Democratic Socialist Party members in Adelaide who organised the evening, it was a great success. The dinner raised awareness of Australia's role in the Asia-Pacific region and raised much-needed funds for the ongoing work of Green Left Weekly.

Those supporters who were able to come to the Adelaide dinner did so in solidarity with struggles for liberation across the globe. Showing your support at a Green Left dinner is a very concrete way of helping to build the alternative in Australia.

Wherever you live, a Green Left dinner or other fund raiser is coming to you soon. Why not put your money where your mouth is and join us for a meal in solidarity. Green Left Weekly — it's your newspaper.

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