Don't forget!

March 29, 2000

Don't forget!

Next week, Green Left Weekly will produce its 400th issue. This is a special occasion for all those people in Australia and overseas who have, during the last nine years, contributed articles, photographs, cartoons, funds, and their time and energy in many different ways to ensure that Green Left has not only survived under difficult conditions, but has thrived as a source of information and inspiration for progressive individuals, organisations and movements worldwide.

We want to use the occasion to invite GLW readers to send a brief message of solidarity which we can publish in the 400th issue. The message needs to arrive to us by mail, fax or e-mail by no later than this Thursday, March 30.

We look forward to receiving your message and to continuing to break the media monopoly and strengthen all campaigns against inequality, injustice and ecological destruction.

You need Green Left, and we need you!

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You can also call 1800 634 206 to make a donation or to become a supporter. Thank you.