Campaign 2000 industrial action

August 30, 2000

Campaign 2000 industrial action


MELBOURNE — Industrial action associated with the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union's (AMWU) "Campaign 2000" is on the rise as the union campaigns for employers to agree to its claims before August 28.

Campaign 2000 is an industry-wide claim for a 15% pay increase, improved long-service leave, income protection and job security. Major companies such as BHP, Carlton United Breweries, Siemens, Blackwell IXL and Transfield have agreed. Employers who do not sign the agreement will face strike action on August 29.

On August 18, 150 workers at the Natra radiator plant walked out after the company refused to negotiate. Natra offered less than the Campaign 2000 claim and refused to discuss better redundancy provisions. The workers returned to the job on August 22 after the industrial relations commission ruled that the union had complied with the Workplace Relations Act.

Another 25 unionists at Kokums, a concrete silo manufacturer, have been on a picket line since August 17 over the company's attempt to use scab labour to move a $180,000 silo. The company had offered 3% less than the union's claim and demanded "more flexible hours", the elimination of overtime pay and restrictions on union entry. AMWU organiser Chris Spindler told Green Left Weekly that the workers are prepared to hold out for the full claim.

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