On the box

August 21, 1996

On the box

Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Thursday, 7pm.

Access News — Melbourne community TV, Channel 31, has excellent coverage of industrial, environmental and community actions throughout Victoria. Access News broadcasts every Monday, Thursday and Friday at 8pm. Phone (03) 9525 3551 to contact the producers or make a donation.

Russian Wonderland — A series of poignant and powerful stories of individuals struggling to survive in a society that is often uncaring and unforgiving and seems close to collapse. A uniquely intimate, direct and often shocking account of contemporary life in Yeltsin's Russia. SBS, Friday, August 23, 7.30pm.

Latcho Drom — Through stunning images, dance and instrumental performances, this documentary tells the story of the 1000-year wanderings of the Rom, from India to Egypt and Turkey and on into Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, France and Spain. SBS, Saturday, August 24, 12.30pm.

The Ride — This innovative eight-part "road series" takes six "opiniated" teenagers, puts cameras and sound equipment in their hands and propels them on a road trip across the US. They record not only their own reactions to the issues they face in everyday life, but canvass the opinions of the young "guides" they stay with in eight states. Tough, irreverent and honest. SBS, Saturday, August 24, 9pm.

Living on the River Agano — Japan's development has had serious effects on the environment and the lives of the people living on the Agano River, one of the consequences of industrialisation being high levels of mercury in the ecosystem. SBS, Sunday, August 25, 12.30pm.

Movie: The Great White Man of Lambarene (1995) — An African film maker's view of Albert Schweitzer, which acknowledges his achievement as a doctor bur also mocks this great "autocratic humanitarian". SBS, Monday, August 26, 9.30pm.

Wolf Biermann: Between East and West — A portrait of protest singer Wolf Biermann, who went to East Germany in 1953, but was exiled to the west after his opposition to Stalinism. Denied re-entry to East Germany in 1976, the Jewish communist and idealist returned triumphantly to Leipzig in 1989. SBS, Monday, August 26, 11.05pm.

The Life and Times of Allen Ginsberg — The writer and activist who has weathered five decades of controversy and fame. ABC TV, Monday, August 26, midnight.

Media Rules — This documentary follows the Howard and Keating camps during the five weeks before the 1996 election. The film looks at the role of the television, radio and print media journalists who accompany them. An insight into the relationship between the journalists, the politicians and the political minders. The press are out to get a story, and the politicians and their "spin doctors" are out to orchestrate what the story will be. SBS, Tuesday, August 27, 8.30pm.

Lions in Peril — The lion is king — or is it? David Attenborough narrates this story of one pride's battle for survival. Filmed in Tanzania. ABC TV, Wednesday, August 28, 8.30pm.

Guatemalan Children of the Dump — A stark look at the lives of young people in the poorest and most disadvantaged areas of Guatemala. SBS, Wednesday, August 28, 8.30pm.

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