On the box

April 6, 2005

The Black Meteor — The arrival of a black South African soccer player to a small Dutch town challenges racism and small-mindedness. SBS, Monday, April 11, 11pm.

Cutting Edge: Al-Qaeda in Europe — In the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, the locus of the investigation quickly shifted to Europe and the network of radical Islamic groups who are part of the continent's expanding Muslim communities. SBS, Tuesday, April 12, 8.30pm.

Troy Cassar-Daley — This Indigenous music star goes on the road with mentor and country-and-western legend Brian Young, performing in pubs, country towns and remote Aboriginal settlements. SBS, Thursday April 14, 8.30pm.

The Mary G Show: Stolen Generation — Mary arrives at her shed on the back of an old Bedford ute with three people from the "stolen generation" people. SBS, Saturday, April 9, 5.30pm.

From Green Left Weekly, April 6, 2005.
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