On the box

April 21, 1999

Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Thursday, 10pm and Saturday, 7pm. Ph 9565 5522.

Access News — Melbourne community TV, Channel 31, has excellent coverage of industrial, environmental and community actions throughout Victoria. Access News broadcasts every Monday at 8pm. Ph 9633 6976.

Face to Face: Ben Elton — Jeremy Isaacs talks to iconoclastic left-leaning British comedian, script writer and author Ben Elton. ABC-TV, Saturday, April 24, 10.20pm.

Gael Force — Combines stunning live performances, beautiful melodies and virtuoso playing from Ireland's greatest musicians. Recorded at Dublin's Point Theatre. Guests include the Chieftains, Sinead O'Connor, Christy Moore, and Clannad and Mary Black. SBS, Sunday, April 25, 9.30pm.

The Silent Killer: AIDS in South Africa — In South Africa, more than 3 million people have been diagnosed as HIV positive. Every day the HIV virus infects more than 1500 people. At the end of the century, it is estimated that 25% of the South African population of 45 million inhabitants will be HIV infected. South Africa, with its history of social and economic division, a situation that is by no means ended, can be seen as a microcosm of a world where people's social and economic background profoundly affects their access to medical facilities and the information essential to preventing infection. SBS, Tuesday, April 27, 8pm.

Nation of Islam — This BBC program investigates the history of the Nation of Islam, from its inception in the US in the 1930s, to its contemporary impact through one-time followers such as Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali, to the organisation today under the leadership of Louis Farrakhan. SBS, Wednesday, April 28, 8pm.

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