Australia's greenhouse mafia — a new dirty dozen

June 21, 2009

Environmental author and commentator Clive Hamilton first compiled a list of Australia's top greenhouse mafia dons in 2006.

The 12 included the Western Mining CEO Hugh Morgan, editor-in-chief of the Australian Chris Mitchell and the then prime minister John Howard.

But the advent of the Rudd ALP government has forced Hamilton to reconsider. The fossil fuel lobby is as influential as ever in the halls of power. But the names and the tactics have changed.

In a June 16 article on Hamilton said: "The fossil fuel lobby has shown itself to be highly adaptable, seamlessly shifting from a strategy of blocking carbon abatement policies [under Howard] to watering them down and turning them to its advantage when they become inevitable [under Rudd]."

Below is Hamilton's updated list of Australia's new "dirty dozen". In his view, these are the people who "have done more than all others in recent times to protect the interests of the fossil fuel industries by blocking and slowing effective action to reduce Australia's greenhouse gas emissions".

1. Mike Hitchens, CEO of the Australian Industry Greenhouse Network — Australia's peak lobby group representing the big polluters.

2. Miles Prosser, executive director of the Australian Aluminium Council.

3. Don Voelte, managing director and CEO of Woodside Energy.

4. Tom Albanese, CEO of mining giant Rio Tinto.

5. Heather Ridout, executive director of the Australian Industry Group.

6. Paul Howes, national secretary of the Australian Workers Union — the greenhouse mafia's biggest asset in the trade union movement.

7. Ralph Hillman, executive director of the Australian Coal Association.

8. John Tilley, executive director of the Australian Institute of Petroleum.

9. John Daley, a prominent lobbyist for fossil-fuel intensive industries.

10. Brian Fisher, CEO of Concept Economics.

11. Chris Mitchell, editor-in-chief of the Australian — a greenhouse media repeat-offender.

12. Martin Ferguson, federal Minister for Energy and Resources. Hamilton describes Ferguson as the greenhouse mafia's "point-man in the cabinet".

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