Socialist Alliance

The Socialist Alliance supports the right of Ukrainians to resist Russia's invasion and access military assistance, including military training, but is opposed to Australian personnel participating in Operation Interflex.

As the cost-of-living and housing crises hit hard, Labor was re-elected in Victoria, despite a 5.8% negative swing which went both to the right and left. The socialist vote was encouraging, reports Jacob Andrewartha

Andrew Chuter (top left), Niko Leka (top right), Rachel Evans (bottom right), Paula Sanchez

Socialist Alliance will contest the NSW election in March, with a campaign focused on housing justice, cost of living pressures, health care and public transport. Jim McIlroy reports.

Labor has done very little to reverse the Kennett-era health and education privatisation spree, the consequences of which have led to a overloaded health system and a crisis-ridden education system. Arie Huybregts reports.

As corporations increase prices and cause inflation, nearly everyone is feeling the pinch. Socialist Alliance is contesting the Victorian elections to help win pro-people changes by giving voice to grassroots campaigns.

Socialist Alliance candidates Sue Bolton and Sarah Hathway join us for the latest Green Left Show to discuss the political situation in the lead up to the Victorian elections.

Premier Andrew’s energy announcement is a nod to the failures of privatisating the energy sector and the growing pressure to speed up the transition, argues Sarah Hathway.

Housing activists rally outside Homes Victoria holding sign that says "Housing is a human right"

Activists gathered outside Homes Victoria to demand an end to the privatisation of housing and for more public housing to be built. Isaac Nellist reports.

Socialist Alliance candidates say the cost of living and housing affordability crises is “a crisis of capitalism”. Sue Bull reports.

The biggest housing crisis Australia has ever experienced is fast becoming a humanitarian disaster. But, as Angela Carr argues, there are solutions.

Socialist Alliance’s “deep reach” in the north west of Melbourne was reflected at the launch of its election campaign. Chloe DS reports.

Socialist Alliance extends its solidarity to the mass protest movement in Iran that has developed in response to the killing of Mahsa Amini by the Iranian authorities.