Refugees & migrants

Refugees have set up a protest camp outside the electorate office of Clare O'Neil to demand permanent visas. Chris Slee reports.

With biting irony, the British government had demonstrated to Rwanda that it could replace the supposedly vile market of people smuggling in Europe with a lucrative market effectively monetising asylum seekers and refugees in exchange of pledges of development, writes Binoy Kampmark.

Immigration minister Andrew Giles has caved to Coalition pressure and announced that he will be deporting non-citizens. Paul Gregoire reports.

graph of election results

Dick Nichols reports that the parties to the left of the social democracy appear to have held their ground against the surge of the far right and mainstream right in the June 9 European parliamentary elections.

Keir Starmer and Nigel Farage with background of prison fence

Since Conservative Party Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called the election, it has so far been a largely dull campaign, which from Brexit to Palestine, has ignored important issues and strategically focussed on trivia, reports Derek Wall.

Fremantle welcomes refugees

Grandmothers for Refugees held their 200th weekly vigil. Alex Salmon reports.

Election poster for France Insoumise candidate and Palestine solidarity march

The June 9 European elections are shedding a sharp light on the political crisis in France, writes John Mullen.

Ecosocialism 2024

The theme of Ecosocialism 2024 is “Climate action not war” for good reason. It takes place shortly after scientists warn of catastrophic global heating and it takes place amid new global arms race. Sam Wainwright urges you to book your ticket.

women workers at a help desk, marching at May Day

Green Left's Peter Boyle spoke to Danaletchumi (Dana) Langaswaran, a Malaysian socialist and labour rights activist, about her experiences in organising contract workers and running a nationwide workers' helpline.

map of settler violence

While opposing Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Gaza, we should not forget another aspect of Israel’s genocidal project: the growing violence against Palestinians in the West Bank, argues Barry Sheppard.

More than 200 people attended a Palestinian film, food and music night, organised by Mountains for Palestine and Community Care Kitchen. Jenna Condie and Aaisha Slee report.

Fifteen years since the peak of the genocide against Tamils in Sri Lanka, Tamil-Australians and supporters rallied to demand Labor support calls for justice. Chloe DS and Jim McIlroy report.